Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Lying down in the cool spring morning zephyr.
feeling the dews dance on your lips, hearing the nature orchestra performance

a heaven on the earth in the third millennium, a trench with no fears with no disease with no cry of pain.
have you got such a place!?


Hossein Jelveh said...

It's good you've found such a place. I'm sure you're enjoying it to the fullest.

i said...

y did u clean ur last post? y did u write it?

Nazanin said...

Im just trying to find it again!
the hidden garden! somewhere where no one can find you for some few moments!

Hossein Jelveh said...

Again? What do you mean?


mashhad, khorasan, Iran
Nazanin, Iranian,Mashhadi. Master student in Linguistics. Bachelor in English Lit. Teacher. Public Relation.
